日本語ページ         English page
  • Komori, O. and Eguchi, S. (2010). A Boosting Method for Maximizing the Partial Area under the ROC Curve. BMC Bioinformatics 11, 314. online
  • Komori, O. (2011). A Boosting Method for Maximization of the Area under the ROC Curve. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 63, 961-979.
  • Komori, O. and Eguchi, S. (2011).Boosting learning algorithm for pattern recognition and beyond. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E94-D,1863-1869.
  • Eguchi, S., Komori, O. and Kato, S. (2011). Projective power entropy and maximum Tsallis entropy distributions. Entropy 13, 1746-1764 online.
  • Takenouchi, T., Komori, O. and Eguchi, S. (2012).An extension of the Receiver Operating Characteristic curve and AUC-optimal classification. Neural Computation 24, 2789-2824.
  • Chen, P., Hung, H., Komori, O., Huang, S., Eguchi, S. (2013). Robust Independent Component Analysis via Minimum γ-Divergence Estimation. Selected Topics in Signal Processing, IEEE Journal 7, 614-624.
  • Komori, O., Pritchard, M., Eguchi, S. (2013). Multiple suboptimal solutions for prediction rules in gene expression data. Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine 2013, 14.
  • Notsu, A., Komori, O., Eguchi, S. (2014). Spontaneous Clustering via Minimum Gamma-divergence. Neural Computation 26, 421-448.
  • Kanao, K., Komori, O., Nakashima, J., Ohigashi, T., Kikuchi, E., Miyajima, A., Nakagawa, K., Eguchi, S. and Oya, M. (2014). Individualized prostate-specific antigen threshold values to avoid overdiagnosis of prostate cancer and reduce unnecessary biopsy in elderly men. Japanese Journal of Clinical Oncology 44, 852-859.
  • Eguchi, S., Komori, O. and Ohara, A. (2014). Duality of maximum entropy and minimum divergence. Entropy 16, 3552-3572
  • Komori, O., Eguchi, S. and Copas, J. B. (2015). Generalized t-statistics for two-group classification. Biometrics 71, 404-416.
  • Takenouchi, T, Komori, O. and Eguchi, S (2015). Binary classification with a pseudo exponential model and its application for multi-task learning. Entropy 17, 5673-5694
  • Komori, O., Eguchi, S., Ikeda, S., Okamura, H., Ichinokawa, M. and Nakayama, S. (2015). An asymmetric logistic regression model for ecological data. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 7, 249-260
  • Hamada, R., Nakashima, M., Ohori, Y., Komori, O., Yoshioka, K. and Tachibana, M. (2015). Preoperative predictive factors and further risk stratification of biochemical recurrence in clinically localized high-risk prostate cancer. International Journal of Clinical Oncology 21, 595-600
  • Tsujimoto, M., Komori, O. and Imura, S. (2016). Effect of lifespan and age on reproductive performance of the tardigrade Acutuncus antarcticus: minimal reproductive senescence Hydrobiologia 772, 93-102
  • Okuma, H., Koizumi, F., Hirakawa, A., Nakatochi, M., Komori, O., Hashimoto, J., Kodaira, M., Yunokawa, M., Yamamoto, H.,Yonemori, K., Shimizu, C., Fujiwara, Y. and Tamura, K. (2016). Clinical and microarray analysis of breast cancers of all subtypes from two prospective preoperative chemotherapy studies British Journal of Cancer 115, 411-419
  • Omae, K., Komori, O. and Eguchi, S. (2016). Reproducible detection of disease-associated markers from gene expression data. BMC Medical Genomics 9, 53
  • Omae, K., Komori, O. and Eguchi, S. (2017). Quasi-linear score for capturing heterogeneous structure in biomarkers. BMC Bioinformatics 18, 308
  • Komori, O., Eguchi, S., Saigusa, Y., Okamura, S. and Ichinokawa, M. (2017). Robust bias correction model for estimation of global trend in marine populations. Ecosphere 8, 1-9
  • Baek, S., Komori, O. Ma, Y. (2018). An optimal semiparametric method for two-group classification. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 45, 806-846
  • Sakai, Y., Honda, M., Matsui, S., Komori, O., Murayama, T., Fujiwara, T., Mizuno, M., Imai, Y., Yoshimura, K., Nasti, A., Wada, T., Iida, N., Kitahara, M., Horii, R., Tamai, T., Nishikawa, M., Okafuji, H., Mizukoshi, E., Yamashita, T., Yamashita, T., Arai, K., Kitamura, K., Kawaguchi, K., Takatori, H., Shimakami, T., Terashima, T., Hayashi, T., Nio, K., Kaneko, S. (2019) Development of novel diagnostic system for pancreas cancer including early stages measuring mRNA of whole blood cells. Cancer Science110, 1364-1388
  • Ashad. M.A., Komori, O. Deng, H., Calhoun, V., Wang, Y. (2019) Robust kernel canonical correlation analysis to detect gene-gene co-associations: A case study in genetics, Journal of Bioinformatics and Computational Biology, 17 1-28
  • Hashimoto, T., Nakashima, J., Inoue, R., Komori, O., Yamaguchi, Y., Kashima, T., Satake, N., Nakagami, Y., Namiki, K., Nagao, T. and Ohno, Y. (2020) The significance of micro lymphatic invasion and pathological Gleason score in prostate cancer patients with pathologically organ-confined disease and negative surgical margins after robot-assisted radical prostatectomy, International Journal of Clinical Oncology, 25, 377-383
  • Komori, O., Eguchi, S., Saigusa, Y., Kusumoto, B. and Kubota, Y. (2020) Sampling bias correction in species distribution models by quasi-linear Poisson point process, Ecological Informatics, 55, 1-11
  • Komori, O. and Eguchi, S. (2021) A unified formulation of k-means, fuzzy c-means and Gaussian mixture model by the Kolmogorov-Nagumo average, Entropy, 23, 518
  • Hashimoto, T., Komori, O., Nakashima, J., Kashima, T., Yamaguchi, Y. Satake, N., Nakagami, Y., Shishido, T. Namiki, K. and Ohno, Y. (2022) Prostate-specific antigen nomogram to predict advanced prostate cancer using area under the receiver operating characteristic curve boosting, Urologic oncology, 40, 162.e9-162.e16
  • Saigusa, Y., Eguchi, S. and Komori, O. (2022) Generalized quasi-linear mixed-effects model, Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 31,1280-1291
  • Higashino, Y., Isozaki, M., Tsunetoshi, K., Komori, O., Shibaike, Y. Kawajiri, S., Yamada, S., Akazawa, A., Kidoguchi, M., Kodera, T. Arishima, H., Inoue,T., Fukushima, T. and Kikuta, K.(2022) Factors affecting global neurocognitive status and frontal executive functions in the early stage after surgical clipping of unruptured anterior circulation aneurysms with respect to keyhole clipping and conventional clipping, Acta Neurochirurgica, 164, 2219-2228
  • Onishi, T., Komori, O., Ando, T., Fukutomi, M., Tobaru, M. (2023) Effectiveness of high implantation of Sapien 3 in preventing pacemaker implantation: a propensity score analysis archives of cardiovascular diseases, Archives of Cardiovascular Diseases, 116, 78-87
  • Kawajiri, S., Isozaki, M., Komori, O., Yamada, S., Higashino, Y., Yamauchi, T., Akazawa, A., Kidoguchi, M., Yomo, M. M.D., Kodera, T., M.D., Arishima, H., Awara, S., Inatani, M., Kikuta, K. (2023) Visual Evoked Potential Can Predict Deterioration of Visual Function after Direct Clipping of Paraclinoid Aneurysm with Anterior Clinoidectomy, Neurosurgery, 92, 1276-1286
  • Tutmez, B. and Komori, O. (2023) Regularization learning of trace element contamination stemmed from tailings dam-break, Pollution, 9, 1082-1097
  • Komori, O., Saigusa, Y. and Eguchi, S. (2023) Statistical learning for species distribution models in ecological studies, Japanese Journal of Statistics and Data Science, accepted
  • Tsunetoshi, C., Tsunetoshi, K., Komori, O., Higashino, Y., Isozaki, M., Arai, Y., Kodera, T., Arishima, H., Matsuda, K., Yamaguchi, T., Hasegawa, M. and Kikuta, K. (2023) Factors affecting the duration of continuous electrocardiographic monitoring to detect atrial fibrillation in acute ischemic stroke, Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases
  • Kidoguchi, M., Akazawa, A. Komori, O., Isozaki, M., Higashino, Y., Kawajiri, S., Yamada, S., Kodera, T., Arishima, H., Tsujikawa, T., Kimura, H., Kikuta, K.(2023) Prediction of occurrence of cerebral infarction after successful mechanical thrombectomy for ischemic stroke in the anterior circulation by arterial spin labeling, Clinical Neuroradiology, accepted
  • 久保田 康裕, 楠本 聞太郎, 塩野 貴之, 五十里 翔吾, 深谷 肇一, 高科 直, 吉川 友也, 重藤 優太郎, 新保 仁, 竹内 彰一, 三枝 祐輔, 小森 理 (2023) 生物多様性ビッグデータに基づいたネイチャーの可視化:その現状と展望,計量生物学43, 145-188 .
  • Robust hierarchical clustering for gene expression data analysis (2009). Md. Nurul Haque Mollah, Mari Pritchard, Osamu Komori and Shinto Eguchi. Communications of SIWN 6, 118-122.
  • ゲノム・プロテオミクスデータを用いた予測解析: 機械学習による新しい統計的手法(2011). 小森理・江口真透.計量生物学 32, 49-73.